maintaining my mane

At 29 my hair is the longest it has ever been in my life.  I’m not sure what took me so long to figure out longer hair is actually easier for me to maintain than any of the shorter cuts I’ve had which required more elbow grease, time and products.  As someone who doesn’t really enjoy going to the salon, I tend to put it off for as long as possible but when I do go I take comfort in knowing my stylist Jessie always delivers exactly what I want and offer’s great advice on keeping my hair from turning into straw between appointments.  I also try to help my stylist as much as possible by showing her pictures of long hair styles I like and learning how certain styles are cut so I know exactly what to ask for.  As for upkeep, now that my hair has achieved a new length I’ve started noticing more frizz and dryness than ever before at the ends.  While the ends are especially dry since they are the oldest, I’m wary about weighing my hair down with too much product so it was important to find the right fix that provides lightweight conditioning while keeping my daily routine as low maintenance as possible.

Bumble & Bumble is a brand I haven’t had much experience with but I decided to pick up a few of their specialty sprays to keep my long hair from looking lackluster.  I also picked up Moroccan Oil which I’ve always wanted to use because it makes your hair smell incredible but my shorter hair didn’t need the extra conditioning treatment.  I’m really enjoying all of these so far.













1. BB Tonic is perfect for dry/course/colored hair as a detangler and moisturizer.
2. BB Shine On was recommended to be as a great finishing spray that offers tons of shine without the weight of a ton of product.
3.  Moroccan Oil is a great conditioning treatment for damp or wet hair to de-frizz and add moisture and it smells amazing.

At my most recent haircut, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and go for a little feathery flare.  Here are some before & after pics of my beachy-inspired locks as they go from feeling sun bleached and tattered to sleek and more manageable.




lovesit haircare: get glossy

Maybe its this dry winter weather (I would love to blame all of life’s problems on the wintery mix destroying my city), the over-styling, washing and blow-drying I subject my hair to, or maybe my hair just needs a little TLC.  Regardless of why my hair is looking and feeling lackluster, I’ve found a lovely little product by John Frieda that puts the happy back into my locks.  And by happy, I mean silky-smooth, healthy, color-boosting shine that looks and feels like I’ve spent a day in the salon.  I came across John Frieda’s Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze when I was looking for a little hair-repair therapy/do it yourself treatment.  It’s idiot-proof to apply (just add enough to cover your hair roots to tips after you wash & condition, let it sit in for at least 3 minutes and rinse) and costs less than most drugstore shampoos.  There are several variations of the Luminous Color Glaze that including a boost of color with mild dye for different shades of blondes, red heads and brunettes.  The dye in the Glaze is not permanent and it will not lighten your hair color but it will subtly blend away grays and revive your color-treated or highlighted hair.  There is also a Clear Shine version with no color boosting side effect.  I found most drugstores only carry the brunette and clear versions of the Glaze so I ordered my Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze in Platinum to Champagne on for under $10 (sites like and also sell this product.)  I’ve only used it a few times, but the results are really wonderful.  This product is safe enough to use daily or you can use it only a couple of times a week to give your hair a little pick-me-up.  Enjoy!


