Glass rocks

I have a real obsession with glass art- the creativity and labor-intensive process involved in making each piece just makes me swoon.  I collect many forms of glass including orbs, bowls, ornaments, vases and sculptures.  These pieces of glass I’ve gathered over the years have become my most favorite items adorning my apartment.  All living spaces can be transformed by bringing in an inexpensive, museum-quality piece of glass art.
While I’ve never had the pleasure of trying my hand at glass blowing, I’ve spent countless hours at glass blowing studious and workshops observing the artists at work.  One o the most well known and innovative glass artists is Dale Chihuly.  He is the master of all things glass- and is known for his ability to sculpt the molten material into the most masterful shapes.  The most famous of his glass series are inspired by ‘Seaforms’ and they absolutely take on a life of their own.  I’ve found that Crate and Barrel of all places make some very cool, very affordable multifunctional alternatives to many of Chihuly’s larger glass bowl pieces or ‘Macchias’.  Kitras’ glass orbs are another favorite of mine and although they resemble Christmas ornaments, I find they are just too beautiful not to display year round.

 my own collection of glass I’ve picked up over the years featuring several Kitras balls:


